Every year we like to talk to some of the artists at Rocklahoma and a good place to do so is the Media Tent. We had a chance to chat with PLUSH, CROBOT and EYEBOLT and got some photos of PLUSH, CROBOT, EYEBOLT, P.O.D., BUCKCHERRY, KIX and GWAR.
PLUSH - Day Two at Rocklahoma - by Andrew Walters ANDREW: "This is your second time at the festival (Rocklahoma). How would you compare playing Rocklahoma to other festivals and venues? Do you prefer open-air venues, like Rocklahoma, or more an enclosed environment? PLUSH'S MORIAH FORMICA: "It's tough because they're both different environments, and I think they're both awesome, you know what I mean? I think festivals are awesome because my favorite thing personally about the festivals is the energy; like everybody's just stoked, happy and excited to hear music, hear metal, hear rock and have a great time. So, I don't know. I think there are pros and cons to everything. I think we just love to play shows and interact with people and stuff like that." ANDREW: "We have all seen Plush's career just continuously go up. Who are you looking forward to playing with the most, rather it's a reality or a 'pipe dream'? Maybe somebody that you wish you could get on the bill with them?" PLUSH'S MORIAH FORMICA: "Man, I really, really wish and hope that we can play a show, or a tour, or anything with Disturbed one day. That would be amazing!" ANDREW: "Disturbed is very well known for frequenting Rocklahoma, so we all need to make that happen here at Rocklahoma. Or at least play the same day." PLUSH: (collectively): "That would be so cool!"
******************************************************************************************************************************************************** EYEBOLT - Rocklahoma Recap - by Tom Green (personal manager for EYEBOLT)
Thank you Hailey, for taking the time to interview the guys in Eyebolt. We appreciate your time, hospitality and we all had a blast! Here is a some quick recap notes from Rocklahoma 2023. The band was added as a cancellation to the Rocklahoma 2023 line up. They crushed it on Friday and was asked to come back Saturday to fill in for another cancellation. Again they crushed it! After Rocklahoma, the band played a packed show at The Vanguard in Tulsa, Oklahoma and they are head back to Richardson, Texas for another show. Eyebolt will be
focusing on writing and recording pre-production for a 2024 E.P. release.
******************************************************************************************************************************************************** CROBOT INTERVIEW - Day Two at Rocklahoma - by Andrew Walters
ANDREW: "This is day two at Rocklahoma, and I'm here with (Crobot introduces themselves). BRANDON YEAGLEY: "I'm Brandon and I sing." DAN RYAN: "Dan, I play drums." ANDREW: "Brandon and Dan, do you like this type of atmosphere with an outdoor setting and mass festivals like this? Or do you prefer more of an intimate space, like a smaller ballroom? Well not ballroom. I'm thinking of Diamond Ballroom in Oklahoma City." CROBOT'S BRANDON YEAGLEY: "That's a cool place! I mean, the intimate shows have, you know, their appeal as well, but there's something about this gathering of, you know, like-minded metal and rock-n-roll just connoisseurs that just love to for some reason stay out in the sun and melt their faces off for three days straight. I mean, it's just kind of test of fortitude that you jus can't find in an intimate setting." CROBOT'S DAN RYAN: "It's family. You see people, you start to get to know all the crew and you start to get to know some of the fans too. We've seen Santa crowd surfing at several festivals now, so yeah, we love coming out and doing the big shows just as much." ANDREW: "Crobot is currently on tour with GWAR. I'll ask you about that real quick. How's that been so far with them? How would this tour with them compare to the previous? Has it been interesting, would you say?" CROBOT'S BRANDON YEAGLEY: "It's always interesting touring with GWAR. The end of the night looks like the pinnacle scene of "Carrie", where she just gets drenched in blood and you just kind of look around the room, waiting for the police sirens to go off, but oh yeah, ya know; we're at a GWAR show." CROBOT'S DAN RYAN: "All you can be is...we're a little more prepared for how weird it's gonna be, but it's still weird." ANDREW: "We have a ton of bands, as you can tell. From the eighties, all the way up to, maybe they just came out a month ago. If there was one band you could pick that you have not been able to play with from any genre, who would you like to get on a bill with one day?" CROBOT'S BRANDON YEAGLEY: "Ah, man. I was gonna say Whitney Houston, but RIP. And then my mind went to Tina Turner and I'm no, RIP, Tina." ANDREW: "And Buffet today." CROBOT'S BRANDON YEAGLEY: "Buffet, yeah, wow! I mean we're losing legends. I'm gonna say Queens of the Stone Age." CROBOT'S DAN RYAN: "We were asked this in a previous interview, and I was trying to rack my brain around it. What would I love to do? Van Halen would be an awesome gift. But who's doing it, well, Mammoth Van Halen. I think that would be a lot of fun, cause that's just a pure rock show. And that would be a lot of fun to trade blows back and forth and just give out a good show to everybody." AMDREW: (jokingly states): "Well, Mammoth WVH is here tomorrow, maybe we can connect on that end and get something going." ALL: (Laughing and agreeing that I should make that happen for Crobot). *******************************************************************************************************************************************************